Thursday, December 8, 2011

Im 31weeks yesterday, my due date is oct.15, when will my doc schedule my c-section? early then due date??

My friend is 37weeks and is due due for hers tomorrow, she told me her due date wasn't until Aug 25, bought yet she is suppose to be high risk, and has also had a son previous c-section who he is now 23 months old.

My point is she being negative towards me, saying that my doc wont allow me to carry baby the 40pls weeks, cuz they dont take csections that long. Hints I had a previous child before=6yrs old, c-section, cuz he turned at last me, back opposite way. Im not high risk, and I toward my friend due date is Oct.15, and she was like well they gonna take her 1st r 2nd week of Sept then=why would they take a baby so early, if nothing is wrong with me!!???? would like to actually push baby if not, then at least keep her inside until schedule date...Is she being negative cuz she has to have hers early, and wanted rs to be a couple weeks apart, r is she right, they will take it early, even if im n good health/baby also...

SORRY SO LONG, SHE IS PISSING ME OFF RIGHT NOW ABOUT IT|||This is for you and your doctor to decide. It sounds like you don't want to have an elective section and would like to try a vaginal birth after c-section, VBAC.

I had an emergancy section with my first after I was pushing for hours. With my second I was scheduled for a section two weeks before my due date, but ended up having an emergancy section four weeks prior to my due date, because I was leaking fluid.

Every woman and pregnancy is different and it's never what we expect.

Good luck and just concentrate on what works for you and examine your choices with your doctor and ignore your friend!|||Well... I really cannot understand half of your question. I'll try my best to answer though. Scheduled C-sections are typically scheduled a week or two before your due date. If you're due October 15th they won't take your baby a whole month and a half earlier, that's just silly.

If you HAVE to have another C-section they will wait until you are at least full term(37 weeks) to do one.|||Typically if you have a planned c-section they will take the baby when you are 39 weeks along to reduce the risk of you going into labor on your own. I would think that it would be the first or second week of October. I doubt they would do it before Sept 29 unless there were some complications. You should really just ask your doctor about it. He'll know more about it than your friend does.|||mine is being scheduled for a week before my due date|||Your Dr. would have the best answer to this question...he/she would be able to tell you when they do scheduled c-sections wouldn't they?

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