Monday, December 12, 2011

Should I re-schedule a date for a cold sore?

I met this girl last week (she's 17 and I'm 19). I asked her out on a date and immediately got a horrible looking cold sore on my lip. I don't know if I should re-schedule the date because this cold sore ain't going nowhere! (Don't want to gross her out since this is our first date) . What should I do, and if I re-schedule should I tell her the truth about the cold sore or just say that I'm sick? I want to call her tonight. Thank you very much for your help!!!!|||I am not trying to tell you info you may already know, but a "cold sore" is an active manifestation of the herpes (HSV 1) virus. It is only highly contagious when a active sore is present. Although the majority of adults carry the virus (which you can contract from drinking or eating after someone, making out, etc.), it still has a very negative--though unfair--stereotype associated with it.

That being said, having a cold sore probably would make a bad first impression. Because you do not know her very well, I would simply tell her you are sick. However, be sure to reschedule immediately, so she doesn't think you're getting cold feet!

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