Monday, December 12, 2011

Why did Obama schedule his Jobs speech on the same date and time as the GOP Primary Debate?

to force John boener to be confrontational.|||Because he is trying to disrupt the debate. Republicans should boycott it.

BTW, most of America will be watching the only network to carry the debate. FOX.|||This is how obama promotes unity, cooperation, and putting aside politics to do what is right for the country.|||So he can slide something by without Repugs and Conservatives being aware of what he said. You can bet his plan is going to cost us BILLIONS!!!|||Because he's childish, and unprofessional. It's ok, though, because only those silly enough to believe his lies will be listening to him then.|||I would be surprised if it made any difference at all. I can't imagine anyone wanting to listen to it's mouth anymore.|||last I checked only the Speaker of the House can schedule the joint speach and he has yet to sign off on this political speach|||Probably because nobody realized there was a debate held four months before the primaries.|||Did you forget that an election is coming up? It's his campaigning on the tax payer dime.|||He's hoping no one will be watching him to hear how pathetic his plan is.|||He did it on purpose. He has no class.|||George Soros told him to do that.|||Because he can.|||Won't it be funny if no one watches him?

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