Thursday, December 15, 2011

My doctor said that I will need a c-section so they want to schedule one for the week before my due date I'm ?

wondering why they don't do it on my due date ? Or wait till I go into labor on my own. |||This depends why you need the section as you never said, they usually plan a section if there is a problem like with me i had a planned section because one of my twins were lying transverse , do you know why they might do a section because they don't usually unless they have thought there might be a problem |||because its easier for them to do a c section a week before because the baby does alot of growing in the last week|||So they can prepare a little more, and schedule the OR to make sure you get in. That way you can also make plans and prepare, if you wait till you go into labor on your own, then you have to worry about how long it has been since you ate.. etc..|||you need to deffintly ask your doctor that question i found that every doctor does things diffrently.. it could be that the baby is bigger than usual? you should deffintly ask them questions good luck with everything! |||Normally when you need a c section there's a good reason like baby size or health. If it has to do with that they want to take the baby a week early so it doesn't get too big. They like to schedule these things so they know what to expect and when if they wait till you go into labor it would be a little hectic and could be unsafe for you and baby.|||Sometimes they schedule it beforehand because the act of labor would put you or your baby at risk. You should ask your doctor why this is necessary though.|||did the doctor not tell u why u havin c-section?

could be baby in trouble or is upside down...

u need to find out for sure

|||Depends on the reason behind the c-section. If there is a medical reason then your Dr can explain why. I know with my friend Courtney they schedule hers at 37-38 weeks every time because her uterus is weak and if she should contract on her own it could damage the uterus. This would be something best talked with your Dr about since we don't know their reason for it. |||They usually do it about a week before your due date because they don't want you to go into labor before hand. Whatever the medical reason is for the Csection, it could be dangerous for you to go into labor, because there is no telling how long, and when the baby will come you could be in labor for 20 mins. you could be in labor for hours. Nobody knows, so it is better to be safe than sorry.|||your doctor my not be able to wait or they may not be able to schedule a room later than that.

as for why they can't wait until you go on your own.... you should really ask the doctor why you can't no one else will be able to tell you without knowledge of your medical history or being a doctor themselves. sorry i couldn't be more help!|||may be the baby size or it may because youe dr is very busy and thats the best time he can fit ou n|||What is the point of the csection. You never told us. Maybe you need to question your dr. You can refuse a csection.|||Hi -

Sounds normal for a week early. If your dr is planning on a c-sect, why would you think he/she would wait for you to go into labor?

A big reason is probably to schedule is most convenient and doctors hate to have to rush a c-sect.....too stressful for all involved to do a "bedpans flying" c-sect is how my dr stated it.


PS Walk as soon as you can after the c-sect ~ it helps with air/gas which can travel to your shoulders. Sounds weird but true!|||It's much easier to do a C-section on a woman who is not in labour than on one who is. When you're in labour the uterus is contracting strongly, so they have to give you much stronger drugs to stop it. So they schedule a date when you're unlikely to have gone into labour naturally but baby will be fully mature. That's normally sometime between 37 and 39 weeks.|||my doc is doing the same thing since i'm breech.... he said a week before my due date... i heard its because if you get to far into your labor it can cause stress on the the cord can come out first and things like that

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