Monday, December 12, 2011

Do you see the judge on the day it is listed on the ticket? or have to schedule a date?

I have a ticket that is due in 2 days and I'm thinking its a court where you have to pay first. But since there are 2 days left, if I show up at the time it says, do I get to be in front of the judge or have to schedule a date and time? I try calling this court from various numbers and departments and none of them answer! I've tried for days and hours and nothing. Its 4 hours away and now I have to go all the way over there just to get an extension, but if I can see the judge up front, then I would. I like the court in my area because you dont have to pay until your found guilty.|||The date listed on the bottom of the citation is the date you have to appear. Yes infront of a judge. No court accepts extensions through the phone. You will have to go to the court, go up to the clerk, and ask for the extension.|||If you can't reach them and find out otherwise, you better be there.|||In California the date on the ticket is the date you are expect to appear in court. The address of the court is listed on the ticket as well.

When you sign the ticket you are promising to appear in that court on that date.

If you pay the ticket ahead of time you don't need to go to court.

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