Sunday, December 4, 2011

Anyone had a scheduled c-section and went to labor and had the baby before the schedule date?

Did everything went well? I had a c-section less than 2 years i'm afraid to go into labor and something bad happend|||It happens more often than you might think. As soon as you begin to have contractions or you feel your water has broke, contact your doctor and go to the hospital. As far as having a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), it all depends on why you had your original surgery. Current thinking within the medical community is moving away from VBAC's. They seem to change their mind every couple of years. And I feel the need to apologize for the previous answerer who felt the need to say she was sorry for the loss of your birth. You did have a birth! It simply was surgical vs. vaginal. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Any birth that results in a healthy mom and baby is good. I too am a doula as well as an RN and I am very educated in both fields. A "routine" vaginal birth is better for you and the baby but if complications arose then I'm sure your doctor did what he felt was best for either you or your child. If you feel that you truly want a vaginal birth talk to your doctor and even get a second opinion if necessary. There may be reasons that a repeat cesarean has been advised for you. Whatever you decide, good luck and congratulations!|||If you are having a scheduled c-section for a medical reason and you go into labor prior to the scheduled date your c-section will be done as an emergency c-section as soon as possible after you go into labor.

If you wanted a c-section simply for convience or because you had one the first time around, they may ask you if you want to try and deliver vaginally, as long as their is no medical reason that contradicts a vbac.|||If your having an elective repeat cesarean, it isn't a necessary surgery anyway and it is better for your baby for you to wait until labor starts before you have the c-section. In fact, it's better for you and the baby both for you to forego the surgery altogether and have a VBAC.

Every cesarean you have raises your risk levels and those of subsequent pregnancies. If your doctor's cesarean rate is higher than 15%, he/she is needlessly cutting women open, harming them, and putting babies at unnecessary risk. You should really educate yourself about elective repeat cesarean, good vs bad reasons to have a cesarean, and your options. Whether you need the surgery for a medical reason or you chose the added risks for some other reason, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your birth and wish you a speedy recovery.|||It's not a problem. If you go into labor, contact your doctor's office and go to the hospital. They will stop labor and then proceed with the c-section. I presume that you have a regular low-horizontal cut. This is the safest and you are not likely to have any problems at all, so don't panic. The majority of problems came from inductions and they no longer do that for women who have had prior c-sections. In other words, you are not going to split open!

If you have a vertical or other unusual cut, they typically do the c-section at 38 weeks because the risks are significantly greater and they never did inductions in these cases.

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